SALSA offers free civil, legal services at Haven for Hope.
Ballet San Antonio
‘Learning That Moves You’ ballet classes are designed for children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate.
Triple P Positive Parenting Program at Metro Health
Triple P provides evidence-based, positive parenting classes to Haven for Hope clients. The classes are offered each Thursday evening from 6-8 PM.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, South West Texas Council
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, South West Texas Council provides rapid rehousing services.
Girls Inc. of San Antonio
Girls Inc. of San Antonio provides weekly groups for girls ages 6-18. Groups focus on empowerment, self-esteem, art activities, and mutual support.
Form Communities
Peer support services.
The Center for Health Care Services (CHCS)
CHCS provides mental health and substance use treatment services.
Communities in Schools San Antonio
A Community in Schools San Antonio Site Coordinator works with staff at Haven to assist families with school-age students navigate the school system. The Education Coordinator’s primary goal is to create a support system for each student in the transformational program at Haven.
University of Texas Health San Antonio School of Dentistry
University of Texas Health San Antonio School of Dentistry students and residents are overseen by expert faculty and provide on-site dental screenings and counseling, emergency treatment and oral health care.
University of the Incarnate Word Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions
Provides community member screening, support, and education.